
What our Clients Say

Here you can find some kind words from our clients.

I would like to thank you for creating such a friendly and happy environment for Iranian-American children to learn Iranian culture and language. I would also like to thank Ms. Mahnaz for being so kind and patient with Aaran and for her tremendous job of applying unique teaching techniques based on Aaran’s individual needs and learning abilities and make it possible for him to learn the first and second grade of Farsi with fun and enthusiasm.

I was wondering if Aaran can participate in second-grade exams? If so I will pay for the test session. I also wanted to get some information regarding how Aaran can receive credit in high school for passing these two grades.

Romina Parents

Words cannot express how pleased we are, with Alborz Farsi School that our son has been a privilege to be in for the past two years. We have been very happy with Alborz and for the fabulous staff, who not only maintain very high academic standards but who also continuously instill a genuine love for learning in students of all ability levels. Our son has far surpassed our expectations for what he “should learn” in Farsi school and has had a wonderful experience.
From the day that he began in the program, the wonderful staff has made learning fun and engaging and has opened up a world of knowledge for our son. The School skillfully teaches the children while building a solid foundation for their future academic, social and emotional success.
Our son has gained so much from being in Alborz Fari School program.

Neda Parents

We would like to take the opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the school management and all the teaching staff. Indeed Alborz is a school that provides an all-rounded education to the children, helping them not only how to be able to write and speak in their native language Farsi, but also to help them to know and preserve their rich culture as an Iranian living outside of their country of origin. Our personal experience has been extremely positive.

Kia has grown in so many ways ….. He is always happy to go to Farsi school and is so proud to be able now to read and write in Farsi, which is a great indicator for us. That makes him understand much better all about Persian culture and to be proud of it. We truly
appreciate all the efforts for facilitating this growth in the most positive and supportive manner. We congratulate you for all your input and efforts and look forward for many more years at Alborz and hope that school continues to grow.

Mehri & Farshad Haghighi Parents

We are so happy that we chose Alborz Farsi School for our daughters, so they can be bilingual as well as learning Iranian culture. Alborz has been a wonderful and positive environment for our children to teach them Farsi language and show them Persian beautiful tradition. They love going to Alborz every week and work with nice staff and teachers there. I always recommend Alborz to my friends & fan1ilies and I will continue doing that, so they can also enjoy the great experiences we have with Alborz.

Nasim Afnani Parents

We would like to express our Appreciation to Alborz School for the help and confidence you gave our daughter.

You were able to inspire her to learn Farsi and despite the challenges she struggles with learning, your teaching method and guidance has helped her find reading and writing Farsi more understandable and interesting.

Thank you for helping her academically and especially socially. It is so wonderful to see her talking about how much she enjoys the class as well as participating in special events which improve her confidence.

We appreciate your entire positive learning environment you provide to your students.

Please extend our thanks to our daughter’s teacher for recognizing her needs.

Nadereh & Mohsen Jahani Parents

Testimonials from Our Students